Jazz FM broadcasts 'inappropriate' gay porn

Here's a news story you don't see every day. Jazz FM recently had to apologise to listeners after accidentally broadcasting what seemed to be a spoken soundtrack to a gay porn film on Saturday night, complete with 'moans and groans'. The incident took place during the usually flawless pre-recored 'Funky Sensation' show with Mike Vitti - over the course of several minutes, a 'mostly wordless', but still obviously heated interlude was playing in the background of the music being aired, as well as during adverts. Check out a full apology after the jump:
"Unfortunately we had an unauthorised access to the live feed on Jazz FM on Saturday 18th February at 7:15pm which resulted in a highly regrettable incident. Please accept our profound and sincere apologies for any offence that may have been caused and rest assured we have taken steps to ensure that there will be no repeat of this incident."
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