Introducing: Homeboy Sandman

Angel Del Villar II, better known as Homeboy Sandman, is a rapper from Queens, New York. He grew up in NYC and attended boarding school at New Hampshire’s Holderness School. He received an undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and subsequently enrolled in law school at Hofstra University - he then withdrew from law school during his third year to pursue his career as an emcee, and now has a discography including 3 exceptional albums and 2 brilliant EPs/mixtapes. This was the best decision he could have ever made, as he has slowly become one of my favourite rappers in the world. His style, flow and general outlook on Hip-Hop and life as a whole is unique and totally refreshing. Below you hear one of my favourite tracks from his latest album, The Good Sun, which is entitled Calm Tornado, and is produced by Thieven’ Steven. After the jump you can see the insightful interview, where he talks about the thought process behind his videos, the use/non-use of Twitter/Facebook, possible collaborations with Mystro & Ty and much more.