Stooshe - Interview (w/ Beatrice Alessio)

Beatrice Alessio catches up with girl group Stooshe to chat about singing to Warner Bros, their new single with Travie McCoy, which member fancies Ed Sheeran and much more. Check the full interview after the jump and watch the video for 'Love Me' up top.
Source: RWD
Long time, no see. How you girls doing?
All: We are great, thanks.
You got over 200,000 views with ‘Love Me’ in less than a week, you have been shortlisted for BBC Sound Of 2012 and you have been rocking crowds across the UK. Did you expect all of this when you first came out with ‘F*ck Me’ last year?
Karis: Not at all.
Courtney: No. This time last year we were just chilling in the studio. Our manager was like ‘I uploaded the ‘F*ck Me’ video, can you just post it up?’ From there we got mad views and it all started.
Let’s talk about your new video, Gym Class Heroes’ front-man Travie McCoy features in ‘Love Me’. How was working with him?
Courtney: He is a really cool guy. Fun and bubbly (just what we like) He was always asking us ‘Are you sure I got my bit on lock?’ and we were like ‘rahh he actually enjoys the music’. His work ethic has definitely impressed us.
You went all the way to LA to shoot your video.
All: Yeaaah baby!!!
West coast throwing gang signs in the air yeah?
All: [Laugh]
What were the highlights of your stay in Los Angeles?
Courtney: Well first of all the amazing people we met, especially Niki Schwan who is Nicki Minaj’s stylist.
Alex and Courtney: She was amazing.
Alex: She has given us a complete makeover from styling to make-up.
Courtney: Also meeting the photographer who was a complete character. Crazy.
Karis: My man took off his shirt and he was just like ‘feel it’ with his long curly hair.
Alex: Oh and the food. The food was another highlight.
Karis: Yeah even though we were just eating salad everyday. [General laughter]
So musically you’ve been showing your pop side so far (‘Betty Woz Gone’ and ‘Love Me’), but I know you have been performing a ballad at your shows recently, ‘Black Heart’. What kind of sound are you going for with your album?
Alex: Everything and anything.
Courtney: Yeah. As it’s three of us, we like all kinds of music and we incorporate that with the band. The album has different genres of music and different topics. We have put out the most explicit two first, but we have songs about going to work, love (‘Black Heart’), not having money. Genre wise we got pop, funk, reggae and more.
Karis: We got a song about music being our baby. We tried to cover anything.
Alex: But it’s always Stooshe, you can always hear a little banter on the track.
Definitely looking forward to your debut album now. Anyway, it seems to be the time of the year when everyone is compiling lists like ‘who has done best in 2011’ etc. If you were asked to compile a list of the top three hottest males in music, who would they be?
Courtney: I leave this to the girls. [General laughter]
Karis: I don’t know, I think Alex is the one who can answer that.
Alex: The model from Rihanna’s video ‘We Found Love’ (Dudley O’Shaughnessy), I think Skepta is sexy, I think [pause] I don’t know.
Karis: I love Ed Sheeran. I think he’s cute.
Ginger power?
Karis: You dun know!
What is the craziest thing a fan has ever done?
Alex: I was gonna say what happened at the AKA party. These two girls queuing up from nine o’ clock in the morning. That’s quite intimidating, because it was two 14 years old girls. On their own. Outside the O2.
Karis: Yeah, we were tweeting them ‘Are you ok?’ I was gonna bring them a cover, but we didn’t get there until half an hour before we went on stage. But I was like ‘Are you sure you are ok? Have you got tea? Coffee?’ They are so lovely.
Courtney: A fan the other day told me she is going to get ‘Stooshe’ tattooed on her wrist. That would be mad. We are trying to tell her not too. [General laughter]
Karis: Dedicated fans, we love them.
If each one of you could have a super power, what would that be? And why?
Karis: Invisibility.
Courtney: Yeah. No actually teleport. Be able to go from one place to another quickly.
Karis: No invisibility so I can rob banks. [Everyone laughs].
Alex: I like to see people naked, so I would have X-Ray vision or whatever lets you see through people’s clothes. [Laughs]
Karis: I’d like to duplicate myself too.
So do you want to rob banks or do you want to be in different places at the same time?
Courtney: No she’ll be robbing a bank, but look like she is in studio or something. [Laughs]
Ok time for some fire questions.
All: Fyahhh
Romantic dinner with your partner or raving with the girls?
All: Raving.
Courtney: Yeah raving with my girls and my partner. Casj.
Chocolate bar or Skittles
All: Chocolate bar.
Tattoos or piercings
Courtney and Karis: Tattoos.
Courtney: Even I prefer tattoos now.
[Alex gives me the blank stare]
Nothing? Nothing.
[General laughter]
Sushi or roast dinner?
All: Roast dinner.
Beer belly or hairy back?
[Everyone laughs]
Karis: Beer belly.
Courtney: Can’t answer.
Alex: Beer belly. People with hairy backs need to allow me. [Laughs]
Doc Martens or Creepers?
Courtney: Ooooooh. That’s hard.
Karis: Creepers.
Alex: DMs.
Courtney: I’m sitting right on the fence.
Alex: If you had to choose a pair to wear for the rest of your life.
Courtney: Ahhh DMs.
Champagne or moijto?
Karis: Moijto.
Courtney and Alex: Champagne.
Celebrity Big Brother or I’m A Celeb?
All: Celebrity Big Brother.
Karis: I would go mad on I’m A Celeb. [Laughs]
Have you got any last word?
Karis: ‘Love Me’ featuring Travie McCoy is out on March 5th. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr. All Stooshe everything.
Thanks girls for today, always a pleasure.
All: Thank youuuuu!
Pre-order Love Me out March 5.
Text LOVEME to 80115 (T&Cs — Texts cost £1 + 1 standard msg. Not iPhone Compatible).
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