Introducing: Roses Gabor

Roses Gabor is a name that you may have heard a lot in the past, whether it be on Ty’s album, Shy FX’s ‘Raver’ or on tour with the Gorillaz, but how much do you really know about her? I caught up with Roses the other day to chat about musical influences, illegal downloading, touring with Damon Albarn and much more. Hit the jump to see the interview and be sure to look out for some new stuff, which will be here very soon.
1. HIYA ROSES! For those who don’t know who you are, can you give a quick introduction as to who you are and what you do?
Im an Artist … I sing … I write …. I speak …. express to the sound of Music
2. What is your musical background and is singing the profession you have always wanted to go into since leaving school/college/university?
I have always done something vocally whether it be sing rap or speak and yes always wanted to pursue it as a career.
3. As a child, what music did you grow up listening to and how has the music your Mum & Dad listened to influenced the road you have gone down in your career?
As a child i listened to Hip Hop but Dad listened to alot of POP and mum listened to alot of Motown Michael Jackson Stevie Wonder, Reggae and Soca….. I think all bases where covered and I guess this has kept me free to make whatever music i like….
4. Many people will have seen you supporting the Gorillaz on tour over the past few years; how did that come about and how has being around the likes of Damon Albarn helped you as an artist/performer?
*smiles* I met Noodle in a phone box in Ladbroke Grove … she asked me if i could do some vocals for her …. and so i did ;-) Re D he is an absolute workaholic and true lover of Music Ive literally been around the world with him on various projects from Nigeria (Africa Express) to Hong Kong (Gorillaz). He’s reaffirmed to me how important it is for me to just make music ….everything else comes after ….
5. You’ve also featured on some legendary artists’ albums/tracks, such as Ty, Shy FX and Redlight; is this something you really enjoy and are there any more features lined up for the near future?
Gosh I LOVE working with other Artists … absolutely love it …. the sprinkles of different energies coming together to make something sick…i’ll always collaborate ….music is about sharing to me with the audience with a band with other artists etc so yep ….u’ll see maybe 2 more big one’s for summer and then some solo stuff ;-)
6. Thinking about your solo work; there is very little floating around, so when are we going to hear a single, or even better, the debut album?!
lol im recording daily …. so u’ll definitely hear some solo stuff soon …. thats as much as i can tell you ;-)
7. You seem like a very artistic person when you look at your fashion sense and the videos you’ve been involved - is fashion and art something that also influences your musical direction?
Its weird because ive always dressed creatively but didnt really pay any attention to fashion eg I never read fashion magazines or looked at fashion related programs but i can definitely say i know what i like and what suits me/what i feel good in also i like to be free so yes musically they definitely influence each other.
8. What music are you listening to at the minute, both genres & artists, and who is exciting you (away from the obvious)?
At the moment im listening to Myself (alot!) ONYX Bacdafucup, Raphael Saddiq - Stone Rollin, and popping in and out of Radiohead’s King of Limbs (Radiohead are really new to me dont know why im so late but my good friend also a producer artist that ive been working with alot Sydney Velvet shared with me) and The Macaroni Cheese Mixtape by Insomniax. Really excited about their stuff, (2 brothers Kaigama and Sydney Velvet) and obviously Mine … cant wait for people to hear …its a long time coming really …
9. As an upcoming artist, even though you’ve been around the underground scene for quite a long time, how do you feel about illegal downloading and how does this affect people like yourself?
Hmmm im torn about illegal downloading because there are some peoples album’s that i just havent bought BUT i’d pay to go and see them ….. obviously being “creative” doesnt mean food clothes mortgage etc is free so we need to earn a living and illegal downloading is literally stealing the veg of mi plate but, at the same time as a musician you want to reach as many people as possible and some people just cant afford to buy buy buy all the time ….as i said im torn ….
10. So, what can we expect from Miss Gabor, with regards to touring and music?
Coupla festivals coupla big releases …couplacouplacoupla ;-)
11. And finally, where do you see UK music and music on the whole going in the next 5-10 years?
5 to 10 years …. hmmmm can u ask me that in 5 to 10?? ;-)

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