Introducing: Josh Kumra

The House Of Coxhead recently caught up with the extremely talented singer/songwriter Josh Kumra to chat about all things music-related - many of you will have been introduced to Josh last year thanks to his number 1 collaboration 'Don't Go' with Wretch 32. However, 2012 is a new year and time for Mr. Kumra to take the spotlight and show us what he can do as a solo artist. Hit the jump to find out his thoughts on illegal downloading, his influences as a child and what we can expect in the next 12 months...
1. For those who don't know, who is Josh Kumra?
I am singer/songwriter living in the big city of London and trying to make my mark.
2. After featuring on a number 1 single in 2011, what have you learned about the music industry?
I've learned that you have to eat, sleep and breathe music......and be inspired.
3. Having been on tour with Wretch for most of 2011, how has this influenced your own musical direction and how do you now feel about performing live?
Touring with Wretch has introduced me to a lot of new music. I have learned that making music in the studio and performing those songs to crowds of thousands of people requires more than just a good song. I'm more confident on stage now and looking forward to performing this year.
4. Your music has a very soulful vibe to it, but what did you grow up listening to? Does your Mum & Dad's taste influence what you're doing today..
The reason why I got into music in the first place comes down to the music my dad played as i grew up. There were three albums that were constantly playing which were the self titled Tracy Chapman album, The Rolling Stones and Experience by Hendrix. I always hear influences from these when I am singing or writing songs.
5. As an upcoming artist, what are your thoughts on illegal downloading/the Internet? Has it gotten out of hand, or do you think it has huge benefits for people like yourself?
I think illegal downloading is a problem and has definitely had a negative effect on music sales, however i also think that legal sites such as spotify and itunes and the music blogs are very beneficial and can really help when it comes to helping new artists.
6. Having released a few tracks of your own this year, what can we expect from Josh Kumra in 2012 - EPs/debut album?
2012 is going to be a very busy year for me. I have been working hard in the studio and you should expect to hear some music and see me playing live
7. Where do you see music, and more specifically UK music, going in the next 5 years?
I think that UK music is going to keep growing! there are many great artists already established and i know that there are many more who are going to break in 2012. I feel proud to be entering the music scene amongst talents such as Ben Howard, Ed Sheeran and Adele…

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