Introducing: The Golden Boy

I recently caught up with PMR Records signee Javeon to chat about his forthcoming debut album, life on the road and working with Julio Bashmore. Check out what he had to say after the jump and pre-order his brand new single 'Intoxicated' HERE now.
I recently caught up with Eton Messy, who are a four piece from Bristol, that over the past 2 years have been huge supporters of the underground Electronic music scene. Check out what they all had to say after the jump, and check out their incredible YouTube channel HERE.
Dutch duo Homework recently took some time out their busy schedule to have a chat with The House Of Coxhead about how they first came to meet, what their thoughts are on illegal downloading, what they are working on at the minute and how they see Dance music evolving the next 5 years. One of the most exciting Deep House acts around at the minute, and a privelidge to be able to pick their brains. Get their latest EP 'Conversation Piece' HERE.
Will Prince is a 20 year old aspiring artist from Cumbria, who over the past couple of years has captured the hearts of many with his unique style of drawing. You can see some of his work HERE, and after the jump will find our interview, where you will find out his inspirations, the technique he uses and how Hip-Hop has influenced his work - you can also find Will's latest portrait of me down the bottom. An extremely talented young man.
Over the past 12 months Dusky is a name that has become more and more well-known across the Electronic world, with their wonderfully unique House/Garage crossover sound capturing the hearts of many. Recently I got chance to catch up with Alfie & Nick to chat about a few things, including their musical influences, how they first met and what we can expect from them in the future...
Since the release of 'Watch The Sun Come Up' in 2009, David Stewart has been known by most as Example's guitarist/vocalist, but 2012 sees him take to spotlight as a solo artist for the release of his debut single/album. I recently caught up with the young singer/songwriter to chat about a wide variety of topics, including touring with Example, his musical influences as a child and what we can expect to hear from him over the next 12 months. Follow David on Twitter HERE.
The House Of Coxhead recently caught up with the extremely talented singer/songwriter Josh Kumra to chat about all things music-related - many of you will have been introduced to Josh last year thanks to his number 1 collaboration 'Don't Go' with Wretch 32. However, 2012 is a new year and time for Mr. Kumra to take the spotlight and show us what he can do as a solo artist. Hit the jump to find out his thoughts on illegal downloading, his influences as a child and what we can expect in the next 12 months...